Yaesu FT-1000MP

Friday, August 29, 2008

Have used my 1000mp for a few years and like its overall performance. I like all the analog functions and use them extensively. However, I do not like the A/D or D/A converters and therefore do not use the digital functions for receive.

The radio is configured with an ANC-4 (with a tuned external noise dipole) inline to keep the background noise level to zero. This helps a great deal in enhancing the sensitivity of the rig as the AGC keeps the RF gain at a maximum while tuning.

The radio is configured with all filters slots filled with SSB filters. Note that by using the USER function (with specific settings) one can defeat all the filter offsets when the 2.0, 500 and 250 slot locations are engaged. This enables the placement and use of any filter in any location.

Also have the TCXO-6 and IRAD roofing filter in place. A word of caution - the roofing filter makes the IF alignment absolutely critical. If the alignment had been a little off prior to placement of the roofing filter, the effect would not have been noticeable. However, insertion of the roofing filter under this condition would result in a truncated output signal. Note that this affects weak signals the most (intelligibility is lost). Even the strong signals will sound ‘bad’ (truncated spectrum). This can be checked by using WWV - and corrected by making a slight adjustment to the TCXO unit (assuming there is no major board level misalignment issue to begin with).

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